Flow from order to start-up

We design and produce fully custom-made while considering the materials, functions and performance of parts one by one according to the customer's request.

Order placement and specification determination

A meeting is held to accurately understand the specifications and information required by the customer.
Based on the content of the meeting, we formulate a concept and discuss it with the customer to determine the specifications.
We share the contents of discussions with customers within the company and check for any omissions in the specifications.

Mechanical and electrical design

After the specifications are determined, information is shared between the mechanical and electrical designers in charge to proceed with the design.
We give careful consideration to the customer's requirements to ensure that the product is easy to use and fully functional.

Parts production and purchase arrangements

After the design is completed, the in-house processing and purchasing departments will take the lead in manufacturing and arranging for purchased products.
We make various adjustments within the company and with suppliers in order to meet the delivery date requested by the customer.

Assembly, wiring, and adjustment

After the parts and purchased items are ready, the equipment assembly starts.
Check each component for defects and points that need to be improved.
Accuracy of parallelism, right angle, etc., and assembly of all units to bring the equipment to the ideal state.
Once the unit has been assembled in the equipment, electrical wiring is done to prepare it for operation.
Designers (mechanical and electrical) and assembly personnel work as one team to make final adjustments.
We make sure that customers can use the product in a better way, including functionality and maintainability.
Aiming to ensure stable operation of the equipment, we work on every detail until the equipment is completed without compromise.

On-the-spot inspection

You are responsible for checking the product before delivery to the customer.
Each process in the equipment is inspected and checked, and only after passing the inspection is the equipment shipped.

Delivery and on-site installation

Perform start-up work at the delivery site and hand over the equipment to the customer.
For overseas customers, we will basically visit the site to provide support.
Operational training for customers is also available upon delivery.

Arrangement of consumables

Some of the equipment has parts or purchased items called consumables.
As an after-sales service, we can also manufacture and arrange for the purchase of consumable parts
We are always ready to respond to inquiries from customers.